Monday, May 21, 2007

The Electric e-illusion Cafe/Bobber/Motard.

Also spotted at the stunning San Francisco Maker Fair was this amazing "e-illusion" Electric Cafe/Bobber/Motard created by Illusion Motorcycles, Using a Parilla frame this a fully electric motorcycle with regenerative braking and tipping the scales at 440 lbs. It uses a PML wheelmotor HPD-30 with a peak torque-of 368 ft lbs and a battery voltage-402 volts DC with a top speed of 140 mph and 0-60 / 3 sec time. The Quality of the work was simply stunning.

Although not made by Illusion motorcycles this electric beast is looking all the the world like it came from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome: but sadly I could not find the artist at the time to talk to him or her and get all the details.

A full set of the Maker Fair photos can be found here (Thanks to my bro M. Christian for the pics)

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